Cervical Vertigo Causes And Treatments

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Cervical Vertigo Causes And Treatments

Cervical vertigo refers to dizziness or vertigo that is triggered by certain neck positions. Vertigo, unlike dizziness, causes spinning sensations and may be accompanied by nausea, rapid eye movements, vomiting, or heart palpitations. Because the symptoms of cervical vertigo can mimic other medical disorders, you will need a thorough examination by your chiropractic physician. In addition to a physical examination, your chiropractor may also recommend x-rays to evaluate your cervical spine. Here are some causes and treatment options for cervical vertigo.

Causes of Cervical Vertigo

Severe osteoarthritis is one of the most common causes of cervical vertigo. It can cause your neck vertebrae to deteriorate, causing deformity. Misshapen vertebrae can compress the arteries and nerves of your spinal cord. When this happens, blood flow may be impaired, leading to vertigo or dizziness.

Blocked arteries, also known as atherosclerosis, can also cause cervical vertigo. You may be especially at risk if your blockages are in your carotid arteries. These arteries are located on either side of your neck.

If your chiropractor suspects that your cervical vertigo is related to blocked carotid arteries, he or she may recommend that you make an appointment with your primary care physician for further evaluation. Your physician will listen to your carotid arteries with a stethoscope to assess your blood flow. If abnormal sounds are noticed, you may need to have a carotid ultrasound. 

Treatment Options

If your cervical vertigo is caused by osteoarthritis, your chiropractor may recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications to ease your pain and suppress inflammation. When inflammation is dampened, swollen muscles and other structures are less likely to put pressure on your nerves and spinal cord.

Chiropractic spinal adjustments can also help reposition deformed vertebrae out of the way so that they are not impinging on the nerves. This will help relieve the symptoms of cervical vertigo, however, you may need more than one appointment before the symptoms completely resolve.

If your cervical vertigo is caused by blocked carotid arteries, your chiropractor may tell you that you need to take anti-cholesterol medications. He or she may also tell you that surgery to remove the cholesterol deposits from your carotid arteries may be your best treatment option.

If you experience vertigo or dizziness when you turn your head, make an appointment with your chiropractic physician. Once a comprehensive examination has been performed, your doctor will recommend an effective plan of care. It is important to note, that while cervical vertigo is not uncommon, trying to uncover the cause may require patience.


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