3 Tips For Handling Insomnia During Addiction Recovery
As your body gets used to the absence of addictive chemicals in your body, one of the most common withdrawal symptoms many people experience is insomnia. Sleep problems are common when your body is going through such a drastic recovery process.
Getting adequate sleep, though, is essential for your mental and physical well-being, which is why it is important to actively work to fight insomnia and get quality sleep as you go through the addiction recovery process.
Tip #1: Create a Sleep Schedule
Your body thrives on routine. As you go through the addiction process, it is time to get your body into a new habit. You are going to want to work to establish a structured schedule where you lay down to rest and get up at the same time every day.
A structured sleep schedule may be easy to stick to if you are being treated at an addiction in-patient center; they will give you a bedtime and wake-up time to help you get on a good schedule.
If you are not at an in-patient center, you need to work on giving yourself a set schedule. Getting into a predictable routine will help your body get into a rhythm.
Tip #2: Create a Peaceful Evening Routine
Next, you need to work to create a peaceful evening routine that is different than what you were doing during your addiction period. This routine should help you relax and get ready for bed. For example, you could read a book or journal before bed, or listen to some relaxing music for half an hour.
As you go advance through the addiction recovery process, it is crucial to establish routines that improve your mental health and fill your time as you learn how to live a productive life. A bed routine is just another step on the pathway to recovery.
Tip #3: Work to Limit Naps
When you are going through the addiction recovery process, and your body is going through withdrawals, the process can be exhausting, both mentally and physically. It is not uncommon to also feel a sense of depression as you come down from the addictive substances that you have been on for so long.
Both circumstances can cause you to want to nap throughout the day. However, if you want to get the quality sleep you need to make it through the recovery process, you need to limit yourself to one half-hour nap a day. Limiting naps will make it easier for you to follow your sleep schedule.
It is natural to experience sleep issues as you go through the addiction recovery process. You can combat these sleep issues by creating a sleep schedule, establishing an evening routine, and avoiding naps. You should also reach out to your addiction recovery counselor, as they may have specific suggestions for your individual situation that will help you fight insomnia and get the sleep you need.