Why All Serious Composers Need An Audiologist

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Why All Serious Composers Need An Audiologist

Composers have a relationship with music that extends beyond mere enjoyment. They live for music and enjoy every element of making and playing their tunes. Unfortunately, many are often exposed to high-decibel sounds that can cause hearing loss. When this happens, they may need to visit an audiologist to ensure that they don't end up unable to follow their career path.

Hearing Loss Is a Devastating Issue for Composers

Active composers may spend a lot of time working with orchestras and other ensembles, which can affect their hearing due to the sheer volume of these things. This problem is also true for composers who work with electrical instruments, such as guitars and synthesizers. Unfortunately, they'll be unable to hear their music or that of others if they lose their hearing and may struggle to compose great music again.

And while it is true that composers like Beethoven composed some of their best music while completely deaf, this is the exception to the rule. It is strictly true that a composer could write music without hearing it, but the chances of it being great are very low. As a result, it is important for composers to do whatever is possible to protect their hearing and find ways to enhance it at the same time.

How Audiologists Help

Audiologists are medical professionals who work with hearing and who can provide many types of care options for those who need it. Composers should visit these experts regularly, particularly if they have noticed any signs of hearing loss. That's because audiologists can provide many types of protective care and even treatments to stop hearing loss from progressing towards total deafness.

For example, a composer may be fitted with hearing protection from an audiologist that helps to protect them when they have to perform music. And if their hearing loss is already quite high, they may need hearing aids to assist with their compositions. With the help of these devices, composers can hear their music and get a better understanding of the melodies, harmonies, and rhythms. And they can also give advice to players who may play a part wrong.

Regular visits to an audiologist are typically recommended for most composers in this situation. They will track the potential for hearing loss, gauge how well a composer's protection is working, and prescribe other methods to avoid problematic deafness. This process is one that is lifelong for many composers, particularly those who end up succeeding and who perform often.

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